Tuesday 6 January 2015


One of the 5 briefs I want to complete for the individual practice part of the module is Qwertee. It is a T shirt design website where everyone can upload multiple designs that anyone can vote for. In order to get the most out of this experience I will submit at least 5 final designs to the website; I will see what styles work better than others and contemplate why, so I can develop my skills and get a better understanding of how to make my work look good.

To make this task more enjoyable, I have the opportunity to draw my favourite characters and create designs for shows or films that might not have been done before. Developing on my designs will hopefully allow me to practice drawing and working out which layouts look good on a T-shirt compared to other forms such as a poster or card and why.

I will generate some ideas as to what kind of designs I would like to create and decide what style would work best for each.

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