Wednesday 27 November 2013

Dogs - Ideas Generation

One of my final ideas involves a dog going to fetch a stick, which the owner has thrown into the water.
If I was to animate this, I will need some reference to see how the dog moves in different conditions.

This is a good example of a run cycle. This would be a good camera angle to use, as it would allow me to practice drawing the proper movements of a dog.

This owner decided to study and record his dog as it swims to get his toy. It shows a good variety of angles to see the dog from all different perspectives, which will be useful to observe how a typical dog acts!

However, for this narrative to work I need something else to happen in the story... I could turn it into a funny pun where the dog runs into a tree on his way back from the water, or when the owner throws the stick the dog runs back with a tree or something bigger; just to bring the story alive.

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