Thursday, 19 March 2015

Propercorn - Shot 6

In the final shot, you see the carts driving towards the exit with the newly-salted popcorn. To add more elements to this scene, we agreed that adding in a fountain and flashing lights of some sort would look good.

When animating the water, I used the same technique as in the first shot of only moving the white parts of the waterfall, to give the impression that the water is flowing down when actually the blue colour actually stays the same. For this particular sequence I experimented with the speed of the water; after deciding my first try was too fast, I doubled up the frames to give it a more realistic speed. The final speed works well because it makes the scene feel more relaxed and easy-going, which will be a good impression on the viewers.

Once I had got the right speed on the water, I tried creating flashing lights above the exit. Using Cara's Photoshop file, I could put the separate layers onto a timeline and have them appear on screen at different times; we debated between glowing light bulbs around the door, like on a dressing room mirror, or lights flashing like a zebra crossing. We both agreed that the zebra crossing lights look better on this piece, since the bulbs would have to be large in order for it to look good, but there wasn't enough space in the frame.

Animating both of these elements was fairly straight forward and enjoyable, it was just a matter of getting the timing right so that the movement isn't too fast to draw attention away from the carts. The scene was set up well, and I think it was a nice way to end the animation sample.

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