Sunday, 8 March 2015

Propercorn - A Slight Change In Plans

Choosing to only make an animation sample with assisted animatic and why (time management)

Now that we are getting closer to the 19th March (YCN deadline) we realised we have set ourselves a lot of work to do over the next few weeks. The original piece was meant to be a 30 second animation, but after some deliberation about it, we have decided to only complete an animation sample, with an animatic to show the timing of the whole sequence and pitch boards with the design and development work from Cara.

This decision will ultimately be better for the final result, because now I can focus on getting one sequence to a higher standard, rather than spreading my time around 30 seconds of lower quality animation and mis-representing the idea; and Cara can spend more time on the backgrounds needed for our chosen sequence and storyboarding rather than having to create so many backgrounds.

We both agreed the best way to portray our idea was to animate the sequence involving the flavouring room, since this is where the most unusual action happens, and it still has enough content to be a stand alone animation.

The next stage of the process will be for Cara to finish the storyboards and backgrounds, while I experiment with the animation and imagery until all of the elements are there for us to start the final piece.

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