Saturday, 28 February 2015

Propercorn - Revised Idea

After receiving feedback from our peers and tutor in the pitch, we decided to change our idea. We don't have time to change everything about it, but we can use a similar character design and the idea of carts transporting the popcorn and incorporate that into our new idea, involving a slightly more realistic outlook on how popcorn is made; starting in a corn field, being picked by the gnomes and thrown into the carts as they move on the tracks, to reach a furnace room and a flavouring room after that - we thought the flavouring room could be laid out differently for each flavour Propercorn provides, which gives them potential to take this idea further if they want to.

I like this idea a lot better, we both seem much more confident with this one! Ideally we want this to be a 30 second animation including the popcorn packaging at the end. We will develop on it further and see if we have time to finish everything in time for the YCN competition deadline.

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