Friday, 6 February 2015


Straight after our briefing, we were shown several videos relating to the subject of the task, food. These are the ones that have inspired me the most:

The first describes how food can unite us as a society or family; the one thing everybody has in common is that they need to eat, so this is a nice piece of animation.

This is a good info graphic piece - the animation relates well to the narration to demonstrate the scale of the facts, which should stick easier in peoples minds.

It's good to have humour involved in telling facts; though this isn't quite factual, the video below is a good piece of animation and an example of a way to get information across to the audience.

We learnt that there are a lot more interpretations of what a documentary can be then I initially thought, so I need to consider what angle I want to look at documentation at; for example I could be informative with a sense of humour or musical number, or I could go with a serious toned piece to give shocking facts.

In order to narrow this down, I will look at more documentaries and gain further inspiration into what type of documentary I want to portray to an audience.

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