Monday, 13 April 2015

Qwertee - Harry Potter

After completing my mockingjay design, I was inspired to create more designs in a similar style. One of my favourite series is Harry Potter, which finished a few years ago but is still enjoyed universally by fans to this day.

There are a few different symbols in the series, with infamous quotes and images to go with it. In order to narrow these down I decided to base this on what I want to learn - experimenting with colour and how well they mesh together. This narrowed it down to the Hogwarts logo, because this has 4 clear colours in an intricate design with animals too.

Since I believe this will provide enough of a challenge for me, there are two alternative designs I could take inspiration from:

To start with I will draw my interpretation of the last image with paint splatters in the background and take it from there.

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