Friday, 14 November 2014

YCN Brief Analysis

After reading the briefs with the questions in mind, I have decided to take part in the Moo competition. 

(Their website):

To analyse the brief, we were given these questions to answer:

What are the 5 most important words?

  • Playful
  • Passionate
  • All industries
  • Striking
  • Appeal

The 5 most important considerations?

  • Do my styles/designs appeal to their target audience(s)?
  • Does my idea encourage the audience that they have creative freedom with this website?
  • Is their new tagline 'Design Works Wonders' portrayed well?
  • Does it to show that 'Moo' are a playful, open, helpful, social and encouraging company?
  • Is the advertisement fun but professional at the same time?

Once I had established these answers I went on to consider:

Who is the audience for this brief?
Mainly business owners from companies that sell a variety of things such as; food, fashion, health and fitness etc.

Who should the audience be?
Anybody that wants to sell themselves; people from the creative industry who need business cards or need to sell their illustrations/designs, down to lawyers, or anybody who wants to work with clients.

Who could the audience be?
They could be family-orientated citizens who want to buy greetings cards (so anybody from all ages)

What do they do?
They design business cards/greetings cards to sell to people who are running a business.

What do they want to be?
They want to be creative, fun and encouraging to anyone who's in the business industry. Their customers want to be unique and able to sell themselves in their own way (summarising themselves into one business card).

Now that I have an idea of what the brief wants me to achieve, I can start researching and developing my ideas ready to pitch in a couple of weeks.

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