Overall I'm happy with how the animation is turning out; most of the movements I've made look good, apart from a few pauses (particularly at 9, 20, and 25) look stiff. My next priority will be adding in a few extra frames to these pauses to continue the movement, which should make it flow better (like an actual dance should)
The crit itself didn't take very long - we sat through everybody's films in one go and then wrote down feedback to each other on assigned sheets of paper. Overall the feedback for my work was good, what everybody generally thought was that what I have is good so far and they can't wait to see it finished. This has been encouraging and motivating, but no specific feedback about any particular part of my work was stated.
After showing this video to my tutors and giving them the chance to think about it, we have agreed that I should have 30 seconds of animation done by the 6th May; this is a reasonable amount to produce to give a taster of how the finished animation will look/run, as well as compiling this onto my reference video to demonstrate how the rest of the routine will fit into my film.
My tutors said I should submit ready for the deadline:
- Just the reference videos
- Just the animation
- Both elements combined